Welcome to NAAHU!

The Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU) is an officially recognized Shared Interest Group (SIG) of the Harvard Alumni Association. 


Land Acknowledgment

Because our shared bonds to Harvard and to Indigeneity at Harvard bring us together today, we honor the original stewards of Massachusetts. As a chartered creation of the Massachusetts colonies and Commonwealth, from its inception, Harvard has benefited from the sacrifices and injustices perpetrated against the original stewards of Massachusetts, the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head Aquinnah, Mashpee Wampanoag, Nipmuc, and Massachusett, who are still living, working, and building community on small portions of their traditional homelands. The Harvard Charter of 1650 committed our institution to “the education of English and Indian youth of this country.” We honor Harvard’s first Native students, attendees of the Harvard Indian College Class of 1665, a recruitment effort that prompted critical seed funding in the University’s early hour of need. Our acknowledgement serves as a step away from the chronic erasure of these profound histories of survival, perseverance, and innovation.

To move beyond acknowledgment you can learn more at the links provided below and/or donate here.


Learn More - External Resources: Native Land Digital MapA Guide to Indigenous Land AcknowledgmentLand Acknowledgment Toolkit 


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