Sponsor a Prize Book
Introduce talented young people to the opportunities available at
Harvard, and recognize their scholastic and personal achievements
through the Harvard Prize Book program. Prize Books are presented
annually in more than 1,900 high schools around the world to outstanding
students in the next-to-graduating class who demonstrate excellence in
scholarship and achievement in other nonacademic areas. The award is
often given at the school’s graduating exercises, with appropriate
remarks by a local alumnus/a.
establish a Prize Book award, a NAAHU member need only contribute the
cost of one book. Currently, Harvard Prize Books are awarded at the
following schools:
- Noli Indian School
- Navajo Preparatory School
- Sherman Indian High School
- Cherokee High School
- Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe High School
- Sequoyah High School
- Red Cloud High School
- New Town High School
- Oneida Nation High School
- Hoopa Valley High School
- Salmon River High School
- Shead High School
- Tohono O'odham High School
- Santa Fe Indian School
- Lapwai School
If you would like to sponsor a prize book please contact the Schools and Scholarships Committee at naahu@post.harvard.edu.

There are two books available for presentation as a Harvard Prize Book: