NAAHU Town Hall: Elections, Conferences, and Community

On Sunday, May 19th, join us to hear from the candidates who seek to serve on the 2020 - 2022 NAAHU Board, learn about our first-ever Chapter launch, and hear updates on upcoming events including the Unity Conference (postponed until September 2021) and HUNAP's 50th Anniversary Weekend (Spring 2021).

Town Hall Agenda: 

  • Introductions 
  • Meet the Board Candidates
  • HAA Elected Director and Overseers Election Update 
  • Navajo Nation Chapter 
  • Meet the Harvard Alumni Oceania SIG 
  • Mentorship Program
  • Mashpee Sovereignty 
  • Unity and HUNAP 50th Updates
    • Discussion of possible Spring and Fall 2020 webinars inspired by Unity Concurrent Sessions in development, including MMIWG, Reparations, Run for Something
    • Race and the Pandemic, Part 2 Webinar (Coalition for a Diverse Harvard and NAAHU co-sponsoring): Sunday June 7th